Announcing the Passing of our colleague and friend, Professor Ecevit Bilgili. [Read More]

NJIT doctoral candidates are addressing difficult problems and are committed to achieving new and exceptional research results. [Learn More]

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Chemical Engineering graduate program in the U.S.

Source: U.S. News & World Report


the average salary of a Chemical Engineer nationally

Source: Data USA

The chemical engineer profession is expected to grow faster than 7.4%, the average job growth rate.

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Meet Some of Our Students

We currently enroll the largest percentage of female students of any other department in NCE.

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Andrew House

“I would recommend NJIT’s PhD program because the research we do here is some of the most cutting edge in the country. ”

Andrew House
Class of 2022

Mehnaz  Mursalat

“I’m working on microfluidic biosensors for cancer detection. We hope this technology will replace invasive biopsies. ”

Mehnaz Mursalat
Class of 2020

Sagar  Solank

“I was able to cater my education to focus on classes that would help me become an automotive engineer.”

Sagar Solank
Class of 2019