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Otto H. York Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
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NSF CAREER Award Recipients
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BCC-CME Summer Research Program
Why Study Chemical and Materials Engineering
Careers in Chemical and Materials Engineering
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Approval to Take a Summer Course at Another University
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In This Section
Department News
CME Newsletter
NSF CAREER Award Recipients
NJIT Helps Recruit Israeli Companies to Garden State for Tech Links
Friday, February 21, 2020
Choose New Jersey, a nonprofit organization advocating for business investments in the Garden State, included an NJIT representative in...
NJIT Researchers Ready Follow-Up Investigation Bound for Int'l Space Station
Thursday, February 20, 2020
NJIT researchers will look to continue a successful string of space-bound studies at the International Space Station (ISS) when a new payload of experimental samples launches to the station with the SpaceX CRS-20 commercial cargo resupply mission...
NJIT Technology and Society Forum Presents: Smart Cities
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Smart Cities is an all-encompassing expression that represents an optimal situation for operating cities while maximizing the benefit to their citizens. A successful Smart Cities approach would also incorporate forward-looking management...
Princeton Review Ranks NJIT Among Top Schools with 'the Best ROI'
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
New Jersey Institute of Technology is one of the nation’s best colleges for students seeking a superb education with great career preparation and at an affordable price, according to The Princeton Review®.
Researchers Take Exploration of Key "Building Block" Particles Into Space
Monday, January 6, 2020
Jan. 6, 2020 -- As part of SpaceX’s CRS-19 resupply mission to the International Space Station (ISS) launched Dec.
NJIT Opens State-of-the-Art Nanoelectronics Fabrication Facility
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Sagnik Basuray is developing a device the size of a dollar coin that will detect cancer biomarkers in patients in remission by sampling a tiny drop of blood with a dip stick. His sensor is groundbreaking not only in its simplicity, but also in...
NJIT Technology and Society Forum Presents: Environmental Health and Hurricane Impacts
Monday, October 28, 2019
There are over 200 hazardous waste sites in Puerto Rico, including 24 Superfund sites, causing significant contamination of water resources. Air pollution from refineries, power plants, motor vehicles, and large ships at ports is also very high...
The Hearst Foundations Promote Diversity in NJIT's Undergraduate Research Community
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
A five-woman team of undergraduate engineering students is tackling a problem experienced by a diverse and growing population: balance instability.
Newark College of Engineering Celebrates a Century's Worth of Ties That Bind
Thursday, April 11, 2019
For the latest in a series of eloquent centennial-year tributes to its traditions and people, a record crowd of more than 250 flocked to Newark College of Engineering’s 21st annual Salute to Engineering Excellence, held last night at the Park...
NJIT to Confer Honorary Doctorates at 103rd Commencement Exercises May 21, 2019
Thursday, April 11, 2019
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy to Deliver 2019 Commencement Address and Receive Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters